
This is a place for previewing the CD-ROM workshops and other productions created by David Page Coffin and his talented and accomplished friends. Video excerpts and previews from completed and forthcoming CD-ROMs will be collected here, along with details about the format, usage and creation of rich-media pdfs, David’s chosen delivery medium for these intensive, interactive video and text-based workshops and demonstrations. Questions and comments very much welcome!
Thanks for joining us.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Making Neckties At Home

Quite a few people have indicated that they want to make ties for the coming holiday season, so I've decided to offer a simple scan of my original self-published booklet, in all it's typewritten and hand-drawn B&W glory.

So, here's my current offer:

Custom Making Neckties at Home, $8US for a downloadable pdf scan of the original work, circa 1985.

Payable via Paypal to me at dpcoffin@earthlink.net, or via the button below.

It's a high-res. pdf, so it can be easily printed if you like; pages 14 and 15 in particular (the guide drawings for the tip lining technique) would be good to print so you can have them handy while you're doing that step.

There's some links at right to previews and some sources.

I should point out that the jewel of the book is this technique for machine-lining the tips so that the lining is inset a good 1/4-inch from the edges of the tie, as seen in all commercial ties, and as described in NONE of the printed material on home-made ties for consumers that I've ever seen. Except, that is, for the article I wrote on tie-making in Threads Magazine issue #27, now OOP but certainly still available from resellers and public libraries, which may be all you want or need.

My booklet describes every aspect of tie-making and offers many variations appropriate for home sewers who may be limited to, or prefer, non-typical fabrics and techniques that don't require any practice to master. It includes directions for making simple, essential tools such as cardboard forms for shaping the tie while pressing and sewing, and cardboard cutting and previewing templates. It's arranged in the following sections:


Why Necktie Fabric Is So Hard to Find

Suitable Fabrics, Outer and Inner

Making a Tie Pattern

Construction Variations

Construction Steps

Techniques in Detail

Advanced Tie Construction (The 7-Fold Tie)

Useful Tools and Materials

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Silk Experience: Coloring Silk Scarves

Here's the first in a series of clips about the CD series I've been making for Maggie Backman and her friends; they're mostly surface-design titles. These are walk-throughs of the CD interface and all the non-video contents, rather than just video excerpts, so these will be useful to see if you're wondering what the CDs are like, rather than just what the videos look like. Comments welcome!