At long last I'm ready to unveil my most recent project:
Behind The Seams: The Shaeffer Collection Volume One: CHANEL
This is a CD-based album exploring Claire Shaeffer's wonderful collection of Chanel garments, inside and out. I doubt there's ever been such an extensive collection of full-garment and close-up, full-color photos—over 730 images—detailing the work and influence of a single designer, so readily available; all thanks to the wonders of the pdf format. It's been quite a mammoth task, shooting, editing pix and commentary, designing, building… But it's nearing completion, and I'm ready to start sharing previews. So, herewith some screen shots and some links, including this one that will download a 12MB PDF with working navigation, and some example slide collections.
If you've ever wondered what all the fuss was about regarding couture garment-making, prepare to be amazed at the astonishing skills and efforts that emerged from the Chanel workrooms. Each pdf page is 11x17 inches at 100%, so the slides can be zoomed in on for great detail. The couture blouses are particularly spectacular!
Both the Preview and the Final Version (due in the next couple of weeks) REQUIRE the use of Adobe Reader 9, the current version, to see the photos, so be sure you've got this version installed before you open the preview. Click above to get it…
I'll be updating here as Claire sorts out how she'll handle sales, but it'll be available as a physical disk, not a download, and will cost $40, plus a modest shipping charge.
Enjoy! And a Happy New Year to all…